Random Birthday Generator

This random birthday generator will allow you to generate random birthdays for people. This can be useful for finding out when somebody was born or for finding out how old somebody is.

generate button
copy button

What is a Random Birthday Generator?

A random birthday generator is a very handy tool that allows you to generate a set of random birthdays. All you have to do is choose an age duration and then click on the generate button to generate random birthdays.

This tool can be especially useful for developers who are looking to generate hundreds of birth dates for development purposes. It can also be used for other applications that require random dates, such as testing databases and creating random events.

This birthday generator also give people the ability to create a random list of birthdays. This can come in handy when planning an event, such as sending out invitations or setting up a tournament.

Lastly, these generators are incredibly useful for research purposes, such as finding trends or performing statistical analyses.

How to Use This Tool?

To use the random DOB generator, follow the steps given below:


Launch a browser and head to the Random.onl’s birthday generator webpage.


On the website, choose a age range, select whether the date is to be displayed first in format, full year, whether to include hours, or custom formats, and click on the Generate button.


The results will be displayed on the section.