Random Recipe Generator

The Random Recipe Generator is a fun way to create new and exciting dishes. Just enter the number of dishes, and the generator will come up with a delicious recipe for you to try.

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What is Random Recipe Generator?

The Random Recipe Generator is an online tool that aids users in obtaining random food recipes at their fingertips. Food is something we all love, and cooking food is a great pastime.

But are you puzzled thinking about what to cook and what not? Then do not panic and try out this tool which stores the recipes collected from google in its database and generates it randomly when you hit the generate option.

If you are new to cooking and feeling clueless, then this tool is a life savior for you. It will provide you with all the food recipes which you want, be it veg, non-veg, sweet, or any international cuisine.

So try this recipe generator and get food recipes of various dishes all on one single page.

How To Use This Tool?

Bring out your inner chef and get recipes for random dishes by following the 3-step procedure.


Open your browser and head to the Random.onl’s recipe generator webpage.


Input the number of recipes you wish to obtain.


At last, click on the 'generate' option to get the list of food recipes.